Why Charitable Registration is Important?

Why Charitable Registration is Important?
Why Charitable Registration is Important?

A charitable organization needs to be registered with the local jurisdiction of that particular area. For charitable registration you need to complete certain prerequisites. If an online facility for charitable registration is available in your area then you may collect all the required documents and apply online registration. But if such a facility is not provided by your area you may have go to personally and submit registration form. Some important conditions that you have to fulfill for charitable registration are discussed below:

There should be at least two trustees to register a charitable organization. Number may be increased further as there is no upper limit.

You should have facility on your computer of internet to properly file and register online documents. If you do not have any required software installed in your computer get it done as soon as possible to fasten your work.

You have to prepare a trust deed or Memorandum of Association stating the aims and objectives of your trust. Your aims and objectives should completely be in favor of helping needy and for the cause of refinement of the society and should not involve any political or religious activity. Trust deed includes the following:

The names of the authors and trustees

The names of the beneficiaries

Name of the trust

Name of the Place where office of the trust will be located.

Aims and objectives of the trust

Sources from where the trust will receive funds

Addresses and id proofs of the trustees

Advantages of Charitable registration

Registration will help to exempt the organization from paying income taxes. It also helps the donor to receive back the tax paid by the donor.

An organization can issue official receipts for gifts received

Once registered a charitable organization become eligible to receive gifts from other non-profit organizations, corporations and government agencies.

A registered charitable organization has to follow some rules and regulations that are laid down by the jurisdiction of that area.

Credibility of a charitable organization increases and become easy to receive charitable grants.

There are certain obligations that every charitable organization has to follow after the registration. A charitable organization cannot support any personal entity and has to devote all its funds for charitable purposes and activities. They have to file annual return stating about the use of its fund. A charitable organization has to maintain proper records and account statements to present if asked by any government agency. After registration a charitable organization has to follow all the rules and regulations of the act while giving official receipts of donations. From time to time a registered charitable organization has to update their address, names of directors, objectives and structures.