The Unfortunate Day Caused by the Extreme Careless

The Unfortunate Day Caused by the Extreme Careless
The Unfortunate Day Caused by the Extreme Careless

Bruce was a careless man since he was a child. His mother had pointed out this disadvantage for many times, but Bruce never put it in heart. Bruce would start his first job on the next day, so he prepared everything at the night and also set the alarm clock. Everything would be fine tomorrow, Bruce thought.

However, was it really a fine day? On the next day, Bruce was awakened not by the alarm clock but by his mother. His mother shook him and called him to wake up with loud voice. Bruce was so annoyed and shouted to his mother:”Do not bother me, please. I have set my alarm clock and it would ring me at the right time.””Look at your alarm clock, have you remembered to put a battery into it when you set it?” It was obvious that Bruce forgot it and he would be late for work if he could not act quickly.

After he rushed to the workplace with his bikes, he left his bikes in front of the company building even without locking it. As he entered into the company, the receptionist asked him:”What can I help you?””I am the new employee here and today it is my first day to work.”The receptionist was very surprised:”Are you sure? We do not employ new staff recently.” Bruce felt so strange and looked at the company name. He found that it was not the company he was going for work. He forgot which floor his company was in the building, so he made a call to manager. The manager shouted to him in the phone:”You are late for two hours. We are waiting for such a long time and you even forget our company address. Since you forget, there is no need for you to work here. Just go home!” Bruce wanted to explain for himself but the phone was hung up by the manager.

Without any other way, Bruce apologized to the receptionist and decided to go back home. However, he could not find his own bike any more. Because he forgot to lock his bike, maybe it had been stolen by thief. Bruce had no other choice but to take bus.

As Bruce arrived at home, he said to his mother:”Mum, my careless kills my first job.”