The Psychological Fatigue of People in Workplace

The Psychological Fatigue of People in Workplace
The Psychological Fatigue of People in Workplace

According to a survey: In the U.S., because the psychological pressure of the employees is too large, while the economic losses causing to the company each year is up to $ 305 billion, which is more than five times after-tax profits of the 500 largest companies in China. According to industry estimates: the professional pressure to bring the loss of business is at least annually more than one hundred million Yuan.

Another survey shows that, from executives to professionals, and to the manual workers, 68.2 percent of people who are facing greater pressure of work, while 58.5% of the people who are showing varying degrees of mental fatigue, occupational person's health situation are worrisome. Workplace mental fatigue is mainly tired of work, and do not want to get up, increase frequency of late for work, deal with official duties with feelings of irritability, distractibility, mental retardation, slow response, and increase forgetting rate.

Facing this problem, Japanese companies create a condition known as “caress” management mode. Some companies for this set relaxation room, to vent the room, tea room, and to ease the tension of the employees; or modify the plan to develop employees' health and improve their health programs to help employees overcome the physical and mental illnesses, and improve the health; there is a set of courses routine health checks, mental health and self-discipline training, character analysis and psychological examination.

So, under what circumstances the staff is easy to produce mental fatigue? Experts believe that the demand for diverse talents to improve, workplace uncertainty to a large extent causes pressure on staff.

In addition, when a personal goal to encounter bottlenecks in the development, it will lead to psychological fatigue. Moreover, the survey shows that female white-collar pressure is not less than men, and the social responsibilities and stress is more than men, female white-collar workers physically and mentally are more tired, in the face of the working pressure, female white-collar workers are more likely to exhibit emotional fatigue response.

Therefore, the company should be concerned about female white-collar workers, whether it is because of consideration the interests of the company, or because of humanitarian and, in short, to improve physical and mental health of employees can ensure better performance, and it is better for the company to be well-being, please all of the executives are good for your