What Is the Most Suitable Time to Get Married?

What Is the Most Suitable Time to Get Married?
What Is the Most Suitable Time to Get Married?

Current marriage is endowed with strong utilitarian. Everyone takes own marriage as bait, gambling for the future to, so flash marriage and flash divorce phenomenon is numerous. But marriage is a very cautious and solemn thing in life, is a great thing, so it should be taken seriously. We should give a man a probation period, and make the love relationship blossom and bear fruit after a period of time, and then have a happy ending.

Why should we give men probation period?

The probationary period applies not only to men, and also applies to women. When women give a probation period to the men, men also give men the probation period, which is to test whether you are fit to be each other’s partner for life. Both sides try out mutually, they can terminate if they find they are inappropriate, which also avoid the occurrence of an unhappy marriage. Through the probation period, you might as well test if you are truly in love with each other, if you can stand the test, whether personality gets along well with each other, etc.

You give a man a probation period, and also give yourself a probation time. After all, the marriage is not only the thing of two people, but two families. In the society with divorce of high rate, the old at home do not hope that their offspring’s marriage ends with divorce. Probation period is an explanation to yourself, to the other party, and to the family.

How long to get married is up to the people

As for the time to get married after falling in love with each other, everybody has different ideas, because everyone’s condition is different.

So, the time to get married has no verdict. How long to get married is up to the people, and whether they are happy or not after marriage is more up to the character of the people. As long as they are truly in love with each other, in the life they can accommodate each other to live together, then no matter how long they are in love with each other, they all can have a happy marriage.

The best time to get married

The best love period before getting married is between two years and five years. To compromise, three years should be the best time to get married. For three years, passion may resolve a lot, but still make people recall and supervised unceasingly. For three years, the economy will be accumulated, even if it is not enough to buy a house, both parents can also help to gather together.

No matter how long they are in love, if you are truly in love, sincerely want to be together for life, they truly can mutually tolerate in daily life, mutually accommodate, and then you may get married.